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Yacht Agency in Greece

Marine Flights in Greece

Marine fares entitle the holder to more flexibility with amendments to fairs, greater baggage allowance, ensuring you can take all your required equipment for long stays offshore and extra security should flights be rescheduled, giving you priority for re-arranged flights. Seaman flights are a vital component for running a successful maritime shipping operation. Having crew members at the right place and at the right time will ensure the maritime industry runs like a well-oiled machine. Thus making seaman and crew travel one of the most essential things when efficiently managing the workforce.

Flexibility with changes and cancellations
Additional luggage
Lower ticket price
No minimum or maximum stay

Seafarers Tickets
in Greece

One of the main reasons for booking marine flights is saving costs. In the long run, finding the cheapest ways to get the crew on board will end up saving shipowners tens of thousands of dollars. But sometimes, paying more is necessary. For example, crew managers filter marine flights based on visa needs, luggage, arrival/departure times. So having the option to adjust accordingly is critical for efficiently and effectively managing resources. Our basic standard offer includes 3 travel options. One with currently lowest available fare and other two with various connection combinations thus resulting in being able to choose the travel with minimum duration and optimal price.

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